Managing risk in Indonesia

Nick Duder - President Director - Hill & Associates

Name: Nick Duder
Title: President Director
Company name: PT Hill Konsultan Indonesia
Company headquarters: Hong Kong


What is your business model?
We are a security consulting firm helping companies identify and assess risk and provide solutions to mitigate those risks


What is your business model in Indonesia specifically?
Aside from consulting services, we also provide Close Protection for traveling executives, Emergency Response Team in times of crises, Technical Surveillance Counter-Measures, Risk Intelligence Services, Specialist Training, and corporate investigations.


How long has your company had a presence in Indonesia?
A total of 24 years having first been established in Indonesia in 1996 as Renful Associates just prior to the overthrow of President Suharto which resulted in us having to shift to a 24 x 7 operation to assist clients evacuate and protect their staff and assets. Rebranded as Hill & Associates in 2002 before being acquired by G4S in November 2009.


What advice would you give to Nordic companies looking to enter the Indonesian market?
Come in with your eyes open and be aware of the risks to the business and your personnel.


What are some of the biggest mistakes you see foreign investors coming to Indonesia make?
Enter into business ventures with local partners without conducting Due Diligence (DD) / hiring staff without first conducting pre-employment screening (PES) / not having in place contingency and crisis management plans (CMP) to effectively manage and respond to typical crises in Indonesia.


How can those mistakes be avoided? 
Design and implement a corporate risk mitigation strategy to include DD, PES, CMP, etc 


What are some trends in the Indonesian market that you think are noteworthy/that you are excited about?
Local Indonesian companies and conglomerates, particularly those that have entered into JV's with MNC's, are becoming more pro-active in implementing internationally recognized security policies and practices as they begin to realize that by doing so can assist them to maintain business continuity and give them a competitive advantage in times of crises.


Why did you decide to become a member of NordCham Indonesia?
In order to be able to support a wider community in keeping them safe and secure


How can your company help Nordic companies in Indonesia? 
We can help Nordic companies identify and assess the risk to their personnel and operations and provide advice and solutions to mitigate those risks 


How can members reach out to you? 
Email is probably easiest 
(NordCham members have access to Nick's contact information by logging into our members directory)


Favorite past-time activity in Jakarta? 
Supporting kids football and other sporting events, exploring new places.


Anything else you’d like to share? 
Aside from Corporate security, it is also essential that any dependents (wives and children) also feel safe and secure and therefore are included in a security program that may start with informal security awareness briefings. Despite the broad variety of threats and risks, Indonesia is still considered by many expatriates to be one of the safest cities to live and work. 




Hill & Associates